The Melody
3 bed
2 bath
1442 sqft
The Paisley
1568 sqft
The Alora
4 bed
2.5 bath
1590 sqft
The Byrd
1648 sqft
The Aurelia
The Cypress
1656 sqft
The Elm
3 bath
1700 sqft
The Juniper
The Emily
1768 sqft
The Cambridge
1783 sqft
The Angel
1850 sqft
The Byram
1897 sqft
The Clover
1931 sqft
The Estate
1934 sqft
The Nolin
5 bed +study
1949 sqft
The Foxtail
1967 sqft
The Chesnut
2038 sqft
The Willow
The Southern Magnolia
2119 sqft
The Harvest Wood
2131 sqft
The Hendrick
2400 sqft
The Corbin Hunter Plan
/w study
2330 sqft
The Arendelle Plan
/w study
2760 sqft
The Saddlebrook
2431 sqft
The Mustang
2462 sqft
The Country Manor
2137 sqft
The Morningside
2564 sqft
The Craftsman
2576 sqft
The Lonestar
5 bed
2586 sqft
The Oak Haven
2608 sqft
The Grand Hampton
4 bath
2610 sqft
The Paintbrush
2497 sqft
The Shannon
2660 sqft
The Pin Oak VI
2637 sqft
The Oak Ridge
2747 sqft
The Holland II
2733 sqft
The Waltrip
2767 sqft
The Hillside
2783 sqft
The Kensington II
The Kensington Plan
2788 sqft
The Sweet Gum
2862 sqft
The Horse Chestnut
3.5 bath
3247 sqft
The Cordova
3080 sqft
The Country Ranch
3219 sqft
The Langford
3359 sqft
The Longview
3471 sqft
The Maple
2744 sqft
The Sheraton
3495 sqft
The Hawthorn
3522 sqft
The Huckleberry
3530 sqft
The Charleston
3541 sqft
The Stallion
4.5 bath
4676 sqft
The Holly Forest
4260 sqft
2054 sqft
2377 sqft
2127 sqft
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